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Petrol - The King maker

To the masses, petrol prices have always been the center of the electoral propaganda. Increase or decrease in the Petrol prices make you a...

Friday, November 30, 2018

Petrol - The King maker

To the masses, petrol prices have always been the center of the electoral propaganda.
Increase or decrease in the Petrol prices make you a demon or a hero depends on your sheer luck of what the Saudi world and Uncle Sam are in discussions of about.

But the masses like us do not intend to look at the bigger picture that post deregulation, there is nothing the government is going to do about petrol or diesel prices. It increase or decreases as the world's oil prices goes up or down. We are just the newspaper readers standing in the local train wondering how it will impact the economy; and to an extent the Indian population can even decide its Next Prime Minister basis if the PM was able to decrease the petrol prices.

Just a pure piece of advice for the masses- Petrol prices increase or decrease has nothing to do with our internal policies it is majorly the world economics that decide the prices. So stop wondering about the King maker price and focus on the real ground realty each government has done before elections. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Time fever

Time never stops heard it many a times, read it many a times but never gave a thought as much that it feels so important now.
Every day every hour every second you view a new video on your facebook, youtube... you see a new development in the world, a new generation taking shape and yourself becoming obsolete with time.

Experience once revered with age now have taken the second position against which mobile an individual is using. As the world becomes more and more sophisticated I believe there will be a time when all will come still and we would wonder, what have we done with all the time we had in the world.

People have forgot to meet, greet and eat properly with time, they are more concerned which netflix season is about to launch and if I have seen it before anyone else has or not. Watching a TV show which used to be a FAMILY affair has been taken over by INDIVIDUALS watching shows on mobiles.

Someday we might want to look back and see the time passed away with satisfaction or regret; the choice has always been ours.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Dreams one of the best reasons to live, for many they call it goals, for some its their destiny and others it is that ray of hope for which they can easily spend their entire life chasing it and seldom achieving it, not that you can't but the ratio is small. 
So as I was saying dreams, let us just assume I had one and it broke or am not able to figure out a way to achieve it what shall I do, ask someone to help me out, guide me, make another plab to achieve it or just have another dream which lets asse I can achieve. But alas whats the fun in achieving what you already know you can. 

To be continued....

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Life ain't how we want it to be.

Life ain't how we want it to be, anyways who said life was easy. Human behaviour still confuses me after so many years, people run after something their whole life for that special and when they finally get a chance to have it, either they ruin it or start having double opinion at the same moment. Life sucks and that is truth but hey, who said hell wood be better so I still dont know what to do, I guess I will do what I do best. Happily ever after, live life king size, live like there no tomorrow but will it really solve that puzzle, will it give me peace at heart or will I just be running from it, running from facing the truth. Hope is something I will hold onto, it had given me strength, I am sure itwill do it again. HOPE it is then that one day all this pain will heart and I will be happy that I had something to hold onto for the right moment.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Have you grown up yet?

There had been incidents in everyone's childhood; when you have broken one thing or the other and hidden behind the cupboard, or under the bed just to get rid of the scolding you are going to get; and I am sure you would have succeeded a lot of times. But observed one thing today on 7th Aug 2014 that even though we have become so called grown ups, if something of similar sort happens even though of a very small magnitude we get an outburst much bigger than what we had ever expected for our childhood mishap.

My question is, what has happened to us, are we not at peace, is our mind disturbed, why do we behave in such a way. What if we are grown ups, aren't we suppose to make mistakes?
What if we make mistakes and some one starts yelling right at your face even though you know this is the tinniest of the mistakes you had done in your childhood.
I can just say it is one of the Lemons when you get it you have to make a LEMONADE and drink it.

Another incident happened today which reminds me yet another incident from my childhood days; when someone used to shout at you when you were a kid and you used to get hit or you were in pain, that someone was the one with red eyes and love in his/her eyes to remind you how much they love you and they will never let anything happen to you.

I guess that is why after you had your Lemons and the Lemonade; its time to go for an ICE CREAM ;)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Who are you???

It is good to work, it us even better to work hard, but its just insane to work work and just work....
It is becoming so hard for people to even spare a little time spared for themselves, just running through the midst of office work, household work and god knows what all work !!!
In case you feel it right, do spare some time wondering .. who are you? and why are you doing so much work?
Ask yourself the most basic question :
1. Why are you doing what you are doing
2. What is it for you
and the final question---3. Toss the coin in the air and ask yourself if you want to continue what you are doing
And if you are able to answer the question while the coin is in the air believe me .. that is the best feeling in the world :P :P :P
So what were you expecting some philosophy ....  ;) ;)